Looking for a list of family-friendly activities to do as the seasons turn this spring?  

We have 25 for you! Check each one off as you go and don’t forget the coffee on your way.  

Smiling woman holding umbrella and coffee

  1. Attend the opening day of a baseball game.  
  2. Go for a bike ride.  
  3. Dine outdoors. 
  4. Feed the ducks.  
  5. Fly a kite.  
  6. Host a tea party.  
  7. Go bird watching.  
  8. Make flower and leaf imprints.  
  9. Go berry picking.  
  10. Make a homemade charcuterie board.  
  11. Make a homemade bird feeder.  
  12. Hike a new trail.  
  13. Celebrate mom for Mother’s Day.  
  14. Paint rocks.  
  15. Visit the zoo.  
  16. Plant a tree for Earth Day.  
  17. Donate items you are no longer using.  
  18. Pick wildflowers. 
  19. Make a time capsule.  
  20. Play an April Fool’s Day prank. 
  21. Plan a neighborhood scavenger hunt.  
  22. Plant a garden.  
  23. Hold a sidewalk chalk competition.  
  24. Search for four-leaf clovers.  
  25. Plan a summer vacation.