Summer of Scooter’s

Own the Summer with Scooter’s Coffee!


We’re planning the best summer ever, want to come along for the ride?

Make sure you’re subscribed to our e-newsletter and following us on Instagram!

  • Each month throughout the summer, we’ll suggest 3 simple activities.
  • Share pics of yourself completing these fun tasks to your Instagram Stories.
  • Add our special activity badge stickers (search “Scooter’s Coffee Summer” in the Instagram Story gif bar to find them) & tag @ScootersCoffee for a chance to be featured on our Instagram account.

We can’t wait to spend the summer together!


May’s Challenges:

Love Yourself Challenge: Take a picture of something that makes you feel strong and tell us why.

Simple Pleasures Challenge: Walk barefoot in the grass and do something that makes you feel like a child.

Summer DIY Challenge: Mark a water bottle all the way up the side with lines of motivational messages. Drink the amount of water between two messages every hour.

See you soon for next month’s challenges!